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Do Cosmetic Surgery Results Last?

UMC Answers questions about how long does cosmetic surgery last

How Long Will the Results of Cosmetic Surgery Last? If you’re contemplating cosmetic surgery, you may wonder how long cosmetic surgery results last. Some cosmetic procedures last a long time, while others require maintenance or regular refreshing. Let’s look at some of the most popular procedures, how long the results typically last, and how you can help maintain your new look with some tips and tricks. 1. Body Contouring  Body contouring can remove excess skin, improve the appearance of the skin’s firmness and remove excess fat. With healthy lifestyle choices, body contouring, including cosmetic procedures like liposuction, can last for years. In some cases, results last up to a decade. Tips/Tricks: Eat a healthy diet. Exercise regularly. Drink lots of water. Get plenty of sleep. 2. Nose Job Does plastic surgery, like nose jobs, last forever? A nose job, or rhinoplasty, is a long-lasting surgery. However, the nose does change and grow as you age. Gravity and natural aging cause the cartilage to break down. This process causes facial areas like the ears and nose to sag more. Some people undergo a later-in-life nose job to return their nose to its former look. Tips/Tricks: Allow yourself to rest for a full recovery after surgery. Sleep on your back rather than in a fetal position. However, it’s important to remember that aging is natural; you can’t avoid it with surgery. 3. Breast Lifts Results vary for breast lifts depending on many patient factors, including the following: Age Genes Habits Diet Exercise Some patients enjoy long-term results, while others choose a refresher surgery after a few years. Like many cosmetic surgery outcomes, you can do a lot to help your new look last longer. Tips/Tricks: Wear a supportive bra. Maintain a steady weight. Avoid the sun. Eat a healthy diet. 4. Breast Implants Breast implants last forever, but you’ll need to replace the filler inside every 10-15 years. The breast tissue around the implant shifts over time, so many women undergo a second surgery after about a decade. If this happens, a breast lift can help correct the placement. So-called “Gummy bear implants” also need replacement after the first decade or two. Tips/Tricks: Follow your physician’s advice during recovery. Get regular, yearly checkups. Perform regular self-checks. Get an MRI 5-6 years after surgery and every 2-3 years after that. 5. Tummy Tucks The results of a tummy tuck surgical procedure depend on the patient. Many patients enjoy lasting, lifelong benefits from their tummy tuck. However, gaining more than 20% of your total body weight may be detrimental. Pregnancy can also reverse the effects of a tummy tuck unless you return to your pre-pregnancy weight and shape. Genetics may affect the lasting results, but lifestyle choices that put health first do help. Tips/Tricks: Rest for a full recovery after surgery. Maintain a steady weight through exercise and diet. Stop smoking. Consider liposuction to help maintain the results. 6. Chin Implants A chin augmentation involving an implant is a permanent procedure and should last a lifetime. Many patients pair other cosmetic procedures, like a neck lift, to achieve a more defined jawline. Body contouring, like liposuction, may also be a part of the plan for a patient’s ideal chin profile and appearance. Depending on how a person ages, there may be a need for a refresher procedure after a few decades. Tips/Tricks: Follow your surgeon’s advice for a full recovery. Avoid weight gain. Stop smoking. Sleep on your back rather than in a fetal position. Get Financing Today How long does plastic surgery last? You can do a lot to ensure the longevity of your cosmetic surgery results. Taking time for a full recovery, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and staying hydrated helps you get the best results. United Credit offers some of the best plastic surgery financing available. Please click here to learn more about our cosmetic surgery financing programs. United Credit strives to keep the content shared on this blog accurate and up to date. You are urged to consult with business, financial, legal, tax and/or other advisors and/or medical providers with respect to any information presented. Opinions expressed here are the author’s alone and have not been approved or otherwise endorsed by any financial or medical institution. This content is intended for informational purposes only. Follow us on social: Linkedin-in Facebook-f Instagram Twitter

Thinking about cosmetic surgery? 5 questions to ask yourself

Are you thinking about having cosmetic surgery? If so, you should ask yourself five questions to see if you should follow through with it. Every day thousands of people in the United States see their plastic surgeons for cosmetic surgery. These surgeries range from breast augmentation to a tummy tuck. Knowing which doctor to pick and why you want the surgery is important. If you know what to expect going into the surgery, you’ll be happy with what you get out of the surgery. Below are the 5 questions: Why do I want the procedure? – Most people want to get cosmetic surgery done so they can look as good as they feel. Many people already feel good about themselves and just want to shed the few extra pounds they can’t seem to shake in the gym or tighten up their skin because their daily skincare routine doesn’t work anymore. Knowing what you want to fix and communicating that to your surgeon is very important. Why do you want cosmetic surgery? Do I have the time? – Many people work 9-5 jobs and don’t always have the days off needed to recover from a procedure. Even the most simple procedures take at least 4 days to recuperate. Do you have the time? Can you take some vacation days? Do I have the right medical staff? – Choosing the right doctor is very important. You should try and check their board certifications and patient history to see if they are reputable or not. Lastly, you want to feel comfortable on a personal level with your surgeon. After all, they have private information about you that you probably don’t want anyone else to know! Can I afford the procedure? – Cosmetic surgeries can be very expensive. Luckily, United Credit offers Cosmetic Surgery Financing for its patients. If you need a loan or help financing a portion of the procedure, look no further than United Medical Credit! Is my family supportive? – You will need a family member or trusted friend to help you get home and take care of you after the procedure. Surgery can be very emotional and physically taxing. The right support system can help you get better in no time. Answering these 5 questions can help give you a better understanding of your cosmetic surgery experience. United Credit is here to help you every step of the way. Follow us on social: Linkedin-in Facebook-f Instagram Twitter

Plastic Surgery Financing, Is It Right For You?

[vc_row bg_color=”rgba(97,203,200,0.1)” padding_top=”4em” padding_bottom=”3em” el_class=”top_header”][vc_column width=”1/2″ css=”.vc_custom_1675971558891{padding-top: 100px !important;padding-bottom: 100px !important;}”][vc_custom_heading text=”Plastic Surgery Financing, Is It Right For You?” font_container=”tag:h1|font_size:62px|text_align:left|color:%23000000|line_height:75px” google_fonts=”font_family:Josefin%20Sans%3A100%2C100italic%2C300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C600%2C600italic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:600%20bold%20regular%3A600%3Anormal”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″ offset=”vc_hidden-sm vc_hidden-xs” css=”.vc_custom_1676206959262{padding-top: 100px !important;padding-bottom: 100px !important;}”][vc_single_image image=”9774″ alignment=”right” img_size=”full”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row padding_top=”4em”][vc_column][vc_column_text]Is plastic surgery financing right for me? A lot of our patients ask themselves that before they call us. This depends on a lot of things: How expensive is your procedure? How many procedures do you expect to get? How much do you have saved up? Do you plan to put down a down payment? What are your loan terms?   Most of our patients who finance their plastic surgery procedure with us finance their breast augmentation, tummy tucks and face lifts. United Medical Credit finances every type of plastic surgery procedure but these are just the most common. Some of our patients choose to get multiple procedures done under one operation which can rack up a large bill. You need to be careful with what procedures you pick. We recommend our patients getting one procedure at a time and waiting a  month or two before obtaining their next cosmetic surgery procedure. This gives the patient time to adjust to their new changes and see if he or she wants to go through with the next set of changes.   If you don’t have a lot of funds saved up, United Medical Credit can help you obtain the best possible loan terms to make sure you can afford any upfront costs or future monthly costs. Our agents work with you to help you understand your loan terms and to make sure you monthly income can support your payments! So, if you’re not able to put money down on a procedure, then don’t worry! United Medical Credit can help you from start to finish with your plastic surgery financing and make sure you can obtain the changes you want.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row padding_top=”3em” padding_bottom=”3em” margin_bottom=”2em”][vc_column][vc_row_inner content_placement=”middle” css=”.vc_custom_1660413004199{padding-top: 3em !important;padding-right: 3em !important;padding-bottom: 3em !important;padding-left: 3em !important;}” el_class=”bottom_box_section”][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text] If you are still curious, go ahead and check some of our reviews @ Trust Link (Part of the BBB) and United Medical Credit Customer Feedback ! 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Jessica Payan

VP of Human Resources

As a certified Professional in HR (PHR), Jessica brings 10 years of HR experience to the United Credit team. She is responsible for managing the strategy and processes related to building and retaining an exceptional team of professionals. Jessica is passionate about supporting each employee to be their most successful and exemplifies our core values daily.

Aaron Mishkin


As Controller, Aaron manages the income and expenses of the Company and the incoming and outgoing loan funds with the utmost integrity. He is a lifelong learner with multiple degrees and certifications to his name and 25 years of working in financial services. Aaron’s reason behind being a part of the United Credit team is to make a difference in the Company and to his coworkers, our partners, and our customers.

Jorge Lazaro

VP of IT

Jorge works closely with cross-functional partners throughout the business to develop virtual experiences and oversees the IT team that keeps our platforms running smoothly. His goal is to provide an optimistic approach to the challenges we face while supporting our staff and partners with respect. With over 6 years of working for United Credit, Jorge brings a wealth of knowledge about our history and computer engineering.

Brett Walisever

VP of Strategic Accounts

Brett spearheads our business sales growth by identifying and supporting new merchants in partnering with United Credit. He has 10+ years of sales, contract negotiation, and market strategy experience that he brings to each new merchant and our team. His desire is to support the growth of United Credit and the merchants we serve through respect and collaboration.

Andria Sullivan

Chief Experience Officer

Andria is a seasoned leader with over 10 years of experience in providing world-class customer service and directing consumer finance processes. She oversees the tracking, reporting, and achievement of our company goals, long and short-term projects, and special initiatives. Andria is service-minded when it comes to collaborating internally and externally, and it shines through in every interaction.

Nate Moster

Chief Sales and Marketing Officer

As Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, Nate expertly drives revenue growth for United Credit by leading sales and marketing strategies across all channels. With over 20 years of experience working with global brands in various industries, Nate has a proven track record of boosting sales, expanding market share, and building strong relationships. His unique ‘right-brain + left-brain’ approach combines business acumen and strategic thinking with striking creative execution, ensuring United Credit’s sales and marketing efforts consistently deliver results for continued success.

Matthew Libman

Founder & President

Matthew is the President and Founder of United Credit. Matt founded fintech company United Medical Credit in 2011 to connect consumers and businesses with an array of experienced, innovative financing solutions. In 2022, the company grew and became United Credit, fueling an expansion into retail markets while retaining its expertise in specialty healthcare.

Since its founding, Matt has provided leadership for all aspects of the Company, emphasizing long-term growth while ensuring United Credit delivers value to its consumers, merchants, and business partners. The Company has risen in the fintech space as a preferred consumer financing partner under his tenure.

Matt is also an active member of YPO (Young Presidents’ Organization), the world’s largest leadership community of company chief executives.